My name is Pierre :)

Welcome to my digital studio and portfolio, a place to document the companies and projects I've been a part of over the years. A place to share and reflect on the what it took to bring the projects to life. I will be dive into more details about each project as I find time to gather content and stories, but for now I just wanted to put out a first version.

From fun weekend design projects, to helping build technology and eCommerce fashion companies from the ground up. From deep diving into coding projects, customizing Shopify storefronts, to designing flyers for weekend gatherings.

The only thing more rewarding than building cool stuff is doing it with great people. Let's grab a coffee to talk tech & design, and build something!

Je m’appelle Pierre :)

Bienvenue dans mon studio numérique, un espace où je documente les entreprises et projets sur lesquels j’ai travaillé au fil des années.
Un lieu de partage et de réflexion sur ces projets et sur ce qu’il a fallu pour les concrétiser.

Des petits projets de design réalisés le week-end, à la création d’entreprises technologiques et de mode depuis zéro. De l’exploration approfondie de projets de codage, à la conception de flyers pour des réunions entre amis le week-end, jusqu’à mettre des carottes dans des hot-dogs. Tant de choses à apprendre et à découvrir en chemin !

Prenons un café, en personne ou via une discussion numérique.

Me llamo Pierre :)

Bienvenido a mi estudio digital, un lugar para documentar las empresas y proyectos en los que he trabajado a lo largo de los años.

Un lugar para compartir y para reflexionar sobre los proyectos y lo que se necesitó para hacerlos realidad.
Desde proyectos divertidos de diseño los fines de semana, hasta ayudar a construir empresas de tecnología y moda desde cero.

Desde sumergirme en proyectos de codificación, hasta diseñar volantes para reuniones de fin de semana, e incluso poner zanahorias en hot dogs. ¡Mucho que aprender y descubrir en el camino!

Mi puntuación en español en Duolingo es solo 31, pero estoy trabajando duro para mejorarla.

Vamos a tomar un café, en persona o a través de un chat digital.

From launching our first Shopify store while on a Greyhound bus going through the Adirondacks, to hitting the 10 year anniversary of the brand. It started with a shirt, that led to a feeling, that led to more shirts (and now much much more).

Company Building

What started as just a fun homemade recipe to bring to BBQs or friend's dinner parties, became the idea came to commercialize this and bring the magic of Carrot Dogs to people in supermarkets.

Web Design
Company Building

Starting from a 10 page PDF to scaling up and deploying self-driving vehicle deployments across 5 states. It was one heck of a ride!

Company Building

I had the privilege of working with the artist Sarah Bahbah to bring her vision to life for the website/e-commerce to sell her new book. From creating a 3D model of her masterful book, to creating a customized Shopify store, to creating a backdrop animation of infinity falling roses, to seeing the physical book in person. What an amazing project to work on!

Web Design
3D Rendering

Rebuilt the website for a Montreal-based venture capital fund. While they had their logo updated recently, their website needed to be upgraded to a more modern look and also be built on a platform that easily allowed them to manage their own team/content and publish. Did somebody say Webflow?

Web Design

Helping a friend build the website for the amazing research he is helping lead at the University of Tasmania on ocean carbon sequestration in Antartica. There's no reason a university research website can't have a little touch of art and design right?

Web Design

Work done alongside Montreal's "Association de surf du grand Montreal", the project was to create visuals / renderings to garner interest in the possibility of creating new standing waves in Montreal's incredible St-Lawrence river.

3D Rendering
Weekend Project

This was my first "startup". After building a proof of concept prototype for my undergraduate thesis. I decided to take a year off between my undergraduate degree to build out this online platform and launch alongside Montreal's public consultation office (OCPM).

Web Design
Caffeine Corner
What's in the espresso machine